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Getting more out of Instagram

little yellow white daffodils

For those of you who haven’t gotten into Instagram yet I would encourage you to do so.  Maybe it’s my interests or who I chose to follow, but Instagram is by far the most positive avenue of social media I have found.  I think because it is based on images and people love beauty there are so many stunning photos running through.  And even the understated photos are usually showing something personal and meaningful.  It seems like a much more supportive atmosphere as well by the comments and likes I see.

I try to post pictures every few days from either around the farm or around Sonoma County.  That’s when I scroll through what everyone else is up to.  There are some very talented amateur photographers that can take surprisingly elegant photos with their phones.

Here are a few of my favorites:










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Website Overhaul

I have just had the frustrating, educational, exhausting but rewarding experience of moving my website once again.  I first moved webhosts a few months ago so I could actually start this blog.  When I did so I chose one of these click and drag kind of site builders which was really an easy way to switch things over from my original website I created over five years ago.  But then as I started to really used my new site and wanted to add detail and play with possibilities my site builder would only let me go so far.

So trying to be prepared for the expansion of my web presence I decided to take the plunge and completely switch over to WordPress.  There are so many options with their system and they are known for their blog tools.  I was very intimidated beforehand because I knew it could be a lot of work and I have very little knowledge about anything pertaining to technology.

It took me several days to complete the changeover.  This included times of joy, yelling, crying, learning and celebration.  Also, lots and lots of searches for the answers to my speed bumps and questions that were thankfully all available on forums, blogs and videos.  Please let me know what you think of the new appearance and if you would like to see any other information that I have not remembered to share about farm or fiber!