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pears on railing

We have these wonderful pears growing on a tree in our front yard.  Not only are they very sweet raw but I plan to dry some of them to preserve the harvest.

I cut them in slices and lay them on wax paper.  I then put them in a deep pan and place a net over them.  Then they sit in the sun and dry naturally.  Depending on how thick you slice them and the temperature of the weather it can take a few days to get thoroughly dry.

They are delicious and chewy and you can then enjoy them all year round!  Yum!

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Plum Season

plums in wood bowl
fruit trees
Plums are ready but we will have to wait for Asian Pears.

It is plum season here on the farm.  Our wild cherry plum trees are just dripping with fruit along side our domestic fruit trees.  Dealing with this much bounty can be overwhelming so I try to just do a little bit each day.  Today I plan to make a plum custard and plum muffins.  Tomorrow I will have to come up with some more creative ideas on how to work through all this fruit.  One simple way- eating one fresh, ripe, juicy plum at a time.

plums in wood bowl
Plums picked and ready to be prepared.